Maya and the Three is out on Netflix!
Maya and the Three is finally out on Netflix. This was an awesome project to work on. It’s filled with vibrant action-packed animation, a stacked cast, and a unique hyperfantasy aesthetic inspired by Mesoamerican culture. It was my first big undertaking at Sound Lab with Scott Gershin. I managed many of the engineering and project management aspects for the final mix, and I had the opportunity to work on the dialogue for the original and Spanish versions.

Primordial Treasure - Sound Design for 3D Animation
I collaborated with my good friend, Gabe Damast, providing him a soundtrack for his surreal 3D animation entitled “Primordial Treasure”.

Queen’s Gambit - Remote Mix Solution in Lockdown
My colleague, Eric Hoehn, recently did an interview for the Tonebenders Podcast breaking down how we managed to stream and sync the Queen’s Gambit mix to three different locations across the country in order to do a realtime playback session with the director, composer and editor remotely. I provided IT support and worked with Eric to configure Source Connect across three locally synced computers on our mixing stage to each send the 5.1 mix to three distinct remote locations. Eric is very well spoken and gives a great interview detailing the process and giving some great discussion about the current challenges of working remotely in the pandemic. Check it out! (Link in Post)

The Ink Factory - Logo Sound Design
Back in 2018, I designed sound effects for a production logo for The Ink Factory, an independent studio based out of London. The animation features different stages of metamorphosis from a drop of ink to a book flapping its pages to several sheet metal like shapes cascading to form the company logo with a big beam of light flashing behind it for its reveal. I incorporated an abstract blend of sounds to accompany the animation with themes of industry and the printing press in mind.

Paper Kite - Logo Sound Design
Back in the fall of 2018, I created new sound effects for the logo of Amy Poehler’s production company, Paper Kite Productions. She needed a fresh take on her logo to be used in her feature film debut, Wine Country. I partnered with composer, Adam Peters, to create a subtle yet detailed soundtrack to accompany the animation of the kite logo flying onto screen. I used a combination of various winds and paper movements to add texture and space to the design. I also layered some effects to accompany the plucked string instruments to give the impression of a kite bobbing on it’s string. You can see my work featured at the beginning of Wine Country on Netflix.

Breaking Formation: A Pomcast
I created intro and outro theme music for this podcast that explores the behind-the-scenes world of professional cheerleading. The hosts, Erin and Jordan, are former NFL cheerleaders for the 49ers, and they will be interviewing cheerleaders and dancers from all types of professional sport leagues. Check it out on Spotify!